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Where is my Place

Where is My Place stands as a pioneering digital hub, meticulously crafted to offer an expansive range of information to its users. Through our dedicated website,, we provide a seamless interface that serves as a comprehensive repository of essential details about schools, hospitals, businesses, and more. Our commitment to bridging the information gap extends beyond the confines of a traditional platform. By harnessing the power of cutting-edge technology, including our Android and iOS applications, we ensure that users have immediate access to critical insights regardless of their device preferences. Recognizing the evolving nature of digital interactions, Where is My Place has strategically expanded its footprint across popular social media channels such as WhatsApp, Twitter, and Facebook. This multifaceted approach not only amplifies our reach but also fosters a dynamic ecosystem where users can engage, explore, and stay informed in real-time. As we navigate the intricate landscape of modern information dissemination, our unwavering dedication remains anchored in empowering individuals with accurate, timely, and relevant insights. By leveraging as our digital nucleus, we continue to redefine user experiences, solidifying our stature as an indispensable ally in today's interconnected world.


Information Place

Collect the information publically available, by roadside banners or boards.

Process Information

We process the collected information to mine the knowledge and useful information for the readers

Platform availability

We are trying to available at all the platforms to help our readers for their better convienence

Social Media

Updated Information on all the social media


Project 01

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Project 02

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Project 03

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